


Australia uses the free call prefix 1800 . This is copied from the North American or NANPA prefix 1-800,but while in North America,the 1 is the long-distance or toll prefix and 800 is the area code,1800 in Australia is itself a "virtual area code" (prior to the introduction of 8-digit numbers,the free call code was 008 ).The 13 and 1300 numbers are known as Local Rate Numbers or SmartNumbers. These work across large areas (potentially the whole of Australia) and only charge a local call,routing the call to the appropriate place in a given area. For example,a company could have the number 139999 and have the telephone company set it up so that calls made in Melbourne would route to their Melbourne number,calls made in Brisbane to their Brisbane number,and calls made anywhere else in Australia route to their Sydney number,all at a local charge cost to the caller. 13 numbers were not available before the introduction of the new numbering plan. Businesses looking for local callers tend to connect a "1300". 1800,1300 and 13 numbers are reverse charge networks. There is no real difference between a 13 number and a 1300 number other than the length of the number. The difference between a 13 number and an 1800 number is that a 13 number attracts a local call connect fee (around 25c). A call to an 1800 is free (no fee to the caller if using a landline phone; mobile users are usually charged at standard rates). These numbers "forward" to a geographic or mobile number. When a 13 number is called by a user in the same local call area there is no cost to the recipient for the first few minutes. The recipient is usually charged at a set rate per minute for each call,depending on plan and destination. Similarly,190x (not to be confused with 0198,described below) is the code for premium rate services (e.g. recorded information,competition lines,psychics,phone sex,etc.). (Prior to the introduction of 8-digit numbers,the area code was 0055 .) 190 numbers incur a rate as charged by the provider - either at a per-minute rate (limited at $5.50 per minute) or a fixed rate (up to $38.50 per call). The latter method is most often used for fax-back services,where a timed charge is not appropriate. Costs of 190 calls for competitions involving chance are also often limited by state legislation to $0.55 per call. (In the previous numbering plan,0055 numbers were limited to three bands: Premium Rate,Value Rate and Budget Rate,with per minute rates of $0.75,$0.60 and $0.40 respectively.) Other numbers beginning with 19 are used for premium-rate SMS services. These were originally trialled using the 188 prefix. These can actually range from a standard SMS cost (usually 25c),up to 55c for competition use,to several dollars for other uses,such as unique bid auctions. All calls to 0198 numbers are a "local call" cost like 13 and 1300 numbers but are used for internet service provider access numbers. They are used both with dial up modems and ISDN.


Web Site
Nanpa - Australia Code - Phones in Australia
Nanpa - Guide / Australia - Phones in Australia
Nanpa Australia
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